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S01E11 4


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Of course. I made $10,000 a day.
I don't expect to make that here.
- That's good, because you won't.
- Yeah. So, what have you got?

Well, there is something.

They need a model to demonstrate
the new Buick LaCrosse

at the Fairview Mall.

It's just you and the car
on a revolving platform.

300 bucks for the day.

- Uh, what else do you have?
- Sure.

Um... Ooh. Can you swing a sword?

Sci-fi convention needs someone
to dress up as a warrior princess.

A warrior princess?

Mr. Gibb, I am a professional model.

Look at this bone structure.
This face is a cash cow.

And if you don't have the vision,
then maybe I'm at the wrong agency.

Look, honey, I'm the only modeling
agent in a hundred-mile radius.

I book women for boat shows
and garden-tool expos.

If you don't like it,
move back to the city.

This, um, Buick thing,
does it include lunch?

Just so you know, I really am grateful
for everything you're doing for me.

I don't need your gratitude.

You're here because your children
are master extortionists.

- You didn't tell'em about...
- Your adultery?

No, I decided to keep
that little gem all to myself.

I know this is a real imposition...

It is. The doctor said
you could be here for weeks.

Would it make you feel any better
if I told you I'm sorry for what I did?

Yes, it would...
if I still felt anything for you.

But as it stands,
the place you occupied in my heart

is very much empty now.

You must still feel something for me.

- And why do you think that?
- Come on, Bree. Look at this.

The good china, freshly pressed
napkins, flowers from the garden.

This tray was prepared
with loving care.

Do me a favor, Rex.

Please don't mistake my anal
retentiveness for actual affection.

Hold on a sec.

- [Mike laughs]
- OK. Now I'm good.

- What?
- You're just... God, I love you.


Well... that's great.

Wait, look. That just kinda popped out.

No, no, it's fine.
It just kinda caught me off guard.

- I mean, I wanna say it back...
- Yeah, but you're not ready. It's OK.

- You're not mad, are you?
- No. God.

We haven't been dating that long
and you've got other issues. I get it.

What kind of issues
do you think I have?

I retract my earlier statement.
I no longer love you.

- I just think of you as a good buddy.
- No.

You obviously think you have
some insight into my soul,

so go ahead, dazzle me.

- Your divorce left you vulnerable.
- Big insight. The postman knows that.

And there's a chance
you still have feelings for your ex.

What? [laughs]

I loathe Karl. And the postman
will back me up on that, too.

I'm sure part of you does hate him,

but maybe part of you
is still hung up on him.

Where are you getting this?

He broke up with the woman
he left you for

and the first thing you did was
hugged him and invited him to a party.

OK. The analysis part
of this evening is now over.

- Hey... you asked.
- Well, you know what?

You're gonna come to Julie's party
and see Karl and I together,

and you're gonna understand
that I have no feelings for him.

- I have tickets to a basketball game.
- You're coming to the party.

This is what I get
for saying "I love you".

- What?
- [Mumbles] Nothing.

- Thanks.
- Hello, George.

Mrs. Van De Kamp.
You're looking lovely.

- You always say the nicest things.
- Well, it's, uh... it's true.

Oh. Listen, I have a prescription here
for Rex. He had a heart attack.

- I had no idea. Is he OK?
- Yes, he'll live.

But the doctor says he's at risk
for something called pericarditis.

It's an inflammation of the membrane
that surrounds the heart.

- He'll need constant care.
- So I hear.

As the words "constant care"
echoed in her head,


affection [əˈfekʃn] n. 喜爱,感情;影响;感染 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4103}

buddy [ˈbʌdi] n. 伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩 vi. 做好朋友,交朋友 n. (Buddy)人名;(英)巴迪 {toefl :4109}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

membrane [ˈmembreɪn] n. 膜;薄膜;羊皮纸 {toefl gre :4883}

freshly [ˈfreʃli] adv. 新近;精神饱满地 {toefl :5346}

gratitude [ˈgrætɪtju:d] n. 感谢(的心情);感激 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :6369}

karl [kɑ:l] n. 卡尔(男子名,等于Charles) { :6663}

modeling ['mɒdlɪŋ] n. [自] 建模,造型;立体感 adj. 制造模型的 { :6704}

rex [reks] n. 雷克斯(男子名);国王;君主 { :6769}

radius [ˈreɪdiəs] n. 半径,半径范围;[解剖] 桡骨;辐射光线;有效航程 n. (Radius)人名;(意、印尼)拉迪乌斯;(英)雷迪厄斯;(法)拉迪于斯 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7090}

napkins ['næpkɪnz] n. 餐巾纸;纸巾(napkin的复数) { :7155}

imposition [ˌɪmpəˈzɪʃn] n. 征收;强加;欺骗;不公平的负担 { :7215}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

revolving [rɪˈvɒlvɪŋ] v. 旋转(revolve的ing形式) adj. 旋转的 { :7394}

mumbles [ˈmʌmblz] n. 含糊的话或声音,咕哝( mumble的名词复数 ) v. 含糊地说某事,叽咕,咕哝( mumble的第三人称单数 ) { :7479}

gem [dʒem] n. 宝石,珍宝; 精华;受人重视者 vi. 点缀; 用宝石装饰; 饰以宝石 adj. 最佳品质的 n. (Gem)人名;(英)杰姆 {toefl gre :7690}

inflammation [ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʃn] n. [病理] 炎症;[医] 发炎;燃烧;发火 {gre :9195}

anal [ˈeɪnl] adj. [解剖] 肛门的,直肠的;肛门附近的 n. (Anal)人名;(土)阿纳尔 { :9352}

kinda [ 'kaɪndə] adv. 有一点;有几分 n. (Kinda)人名;(匈)金道;(捷)金达 { :9840}

adultery [əˈdʌltəri] n. 通奸,通奸行为 { :10957}

loathe [ləʊð] vt. 讨厌,厌恶 {toefl gre :11256}

postman [ˈpəʊstmən] n. 邮递员;邮差 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :11573}

ex [eks] n. 前妻或前夫 prep. 不包括,除外 { :12200}

dazzle [ˈdæzl] n. 耀眼的光;灿烂 vt. 使……目眩;使……眼花 vi. 眼花缭乱;炫耀 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :12418}

retract [rɪˈtrækt] n. 收缩核 vt. 缩回;缩进;取消 vi. 缩回;缩进;撤消 {toefl gre :13910}

lacrosse [ləˈkrɒs] n. 长曲棍球 n. (Lacrosse)人名;(法)拉克罗斯 { :14071}

expos [ˈekspəʊz] n. <非正>(工业品或技术的)博览会,展览会( expo的名词复数 ) { :17325}

SEC [sek] 美国证券交易委员会(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) { :25516}

GIBB [ ] [人名] [苏格兰人、英格兰人姓氏] 吉布来源于中世纪昵称Gib,Gilbert 的简称 { :27083}

extortionists [ ] (extortionist 的复数) n. 勒索者;勒索钱财 { :34130}

buick [ ] n. 别克(汽车品牌) { :40111}

fairview [ ] [地名] [澳大利亚、加拿大、美国] 费尔维尤

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

pericarditis [ˌperɪkɑ:'daɪtɪs] n. 心包炎

retentiveness [rɪ'tentɪvnɪs] n. 有记性; 记性强; 保持力; 好记性

sci-fi [ˈsaɪ faɪ] n. 科幻小说(等于science fiction)

wanna [ˈwɒnə] vt. 想要(等于want to)

a favor [ ] 以…为受益人

a sec [ ] [网络] 自二斑;安培平方秒

a sword [ ] [网络] 一把剑;一把剑战斗;一只剑

basketball game [ ] [网络] 篮球赛;篮球比赛;篮球运动

bone structure [ ] un. 骨结构;骨骼构造 [网络] 骨性结构;骨骼发展;骨骼布局

buck for [bʌk fɔ:] na. (不择手段地)争取(升级,利益)等 [网络] 千方百计谋求;拼命争取;千方百计的谋求

cash cow [kæʃ kau] n. 【商】摇钱树;最赚钱的商品 [网络] 现金牛;现金牛产品;现金奶牛

do me a favor [ ] [网络] 帮个忙,好吗;帮我一个忙;帮我个忙

dress up [dres ʌp] na. 乔装;装扮;为…打扮;盛装打扮 [网络] 穿上盛装;装饰;精心打扮

dress up as [dres ʌp æz] [网络] 打扮成;装扮成;打扮成为

echo in [ ] 在(某处)回响起

good buddy [ ] [美国口语]老弟,老兄,好伙计(主用于民用波段无线电台通话);[民用电台俚语]使用民用电台频道者,民用无线电台的使用者

insight into [ ] [网络] 洞察;对…深刻理解;洞察力

Little Gem [ ] [网络] 小宝石;小玉;小宝贝震动器

my soul [ ] [网络] 我的灵魂;忧伤还是快乐;我的心

occupy in [ ] v. 在做 [网络] 使从事于

pop out [ ] na. (火,把火)突然灭掉;突然伸出;〔俚语〕(突然)死掉 [网络] 跳出;弹出;突出

revolving platform [ ] 回转台

ticket to [ ] [网络] 地点;地点去……的票;达到目的的途径

to demonstrate [ ] [网络] 示范;演示;解释

to dress [ ] [网络] 开膛;教你穿衣服;包紮

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用